Email Forwards/Chain Letters

COME ON! There’s hardly anything I hate more than email forwards and chain letters. I mean, it’s like “Your friends think you are cool because they sent you this email, now send it back to show how much you think they’re cool!” I mean SERIOUSLY?! So how much I like my friends is based on a stupid EMAIL?!

Or those Christian forwards…THOSE ARE THE WORST. “If you believe in Jesus send this email to all your friends.” So now my beliefs are based on a stupid email too?! Next they’re gonna have something like “If you think your life has some sort of value, then forward this email. If not, go commit suicide.”

I mean seriously why do people I know keep these up? It’s stupid and it annoys me more than anything. Are you going to try to see my inner thoughts by if I send something or not? WHAT are you people trying to extract from MY MIND?!? In my opinion anybody who sends chain letters can spend 10 minutes in the corner for each chain letter they send. And as a friend of mine would say: “Go stand in the corner with the friends you don’t have. NO FRIENDS.” If I want to tell someone that I think they’re cool, why don’t I JUST SAY IT TO THEIR FACE?! No I gotta use a chain letter…Wait for one and then I can tell them they’re all cool.

Seriously? What’s the point of it all? Where can we go with email forwards? NOWHERE. So I say we stay away from email forwards for at least a week to make everybody happier cuz I know a bunch of other people that hate forwards too.

So that’s my dollar fifty on email forwarding.


  1. Capri Said:

    Yes, I hate chain letters too, and don’t understand why friends keep deluding themselves into thinking they’re cooler than anything they could write themselves. And don’t get me started on those that exploit Christianity and do their best to make Christianity look like a sham and Christians look like fools. As a Christian, I am one of very few that actually gets offended by these and am outspoken enough to stop trying to be perfectly nice whenever I come across one of these pieces of religious exploitive crap! Gah! My friends don’t see the tirades I write as a result, but I will steer them to pages that warn against sending this stuff, and if some of those pages happen to contain one of my rants, oh well. I also get insulted when friends send me things that insult my intelligence, as well as their own, only they are sadly too chain-addicted to turn on their brains and realize it. I also know chain letters are all nothing but manipulative viral shart, dressed up in funny, cutesy, patriotic, religious, alarmist – you name it – costume. The only goal of any of those things is to get spread massively and try to out-do all other competing chain letters in getting mass-produced by gullible people. I am not among that number any more. When starting out on the net, I’m afraid I did fall for a hoax or two, the expensive cookie recipe one comes to mind. *Embarrassed expression* There really should be some manditory reading for anyone new to the net that explains why forwards are so bad and what emotional angles they use, and that would be every conceivable one… Also that these insideous things will come from friends who got fooled, and that is half the con-job right there.

  2. Parallellem Said:

    Agreed. Nothing much left to say.

  3. Capri Said:

    One more thing, when I hardly ever hear from someone, and then when they email or send a message via social network, it’s nothing but a chain letter, ARGH! That just makes me scream, and want to throw things if it’s one of those “Friendship is like” “Hugs are” “The kiss is” “Love is” “You are loved, and remember that God cares about you, now don’t let your friendships die, be a good friend and pass this on!” Uh, no! Here’s an idea for all emailers out there: Show me you are a real friend and actually write me something, stop sending chain letters! Stop ignoring me in favor of sending chain letter junk to other people who are maybe too timid to say anything to you about this bad habit!

  4. me Said:

    lol i ussually dont like them but some of the cool picture ones (like the ones with the salt under the pier, if you havent seen it, its really cool) and the funny ones (if they are actuly funny which most of them are not) are good to get sometimes i like those =)

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